去韓國店 我幾乎必點韓式辣炒豬五花 肥滋滋的豬五花拌著韓式辣醬 硬生生就能多塞一碗飯
那天看了一個阿珠罵的視頻 才驚覺原來那麼簡單 二話不說 馬上來做
主角就是豬五花 這道菜真的就是要豬五花才好吃 你要馬就用豬五花 要馬就用里肌肉 不要兩個混 我上次怕太肥就混了豬五花和里肌肉 結果豬五花口感真的很好 但是一吃到里肌肉因為五花太好吃的關係 反而覺得里肌肉太老
所以重點是 要用就用一種肉 不然兩個比較 會覺得口感有影響 因為一個太好 一個不理想
Pork belly
切成這樣 切之前先拿去冷凍半小時 肉在稍硬時最好切 我這刀公不是蓋的
Cut into pieces like this. Put the pork belly in the freezer at least for half an hour before you cut it. This way, the meat is slightly hard. Once the meat turns soft it is hard to handle.
Done. It was a battle!
蔥一把 蒜頭一顆 中小型洋蔥一顆 薑適量
Ingredients (Vegetables):
green onion, whole garlic, small-to-medium sized onion and some ginger
洋蔥切薄片,蔥切斷,薑切成片好切碎,蒜剝皮 薑和蒜要弄到擠泥器裡,所以要切成能塞進去的大小
老實說 薑的纖維很多 並不能通過擠泥器 但老子就是懶得用手切碎 所以就用擠泥器 擠的時候 只有薑汁會被擠出來 纖維都在擠泥器裡面 就用一根筷子把它勾出來就是了
弄完才想到我有小型的食物處理器 要死了 怎麼不早點想到 黯陰陽咧
Cut the onions into thin slices.
Cut the green onions into bite size.
Cut the garlic and ginger so that you can press them through the garlic press. To be honest, ginger is too fibrous to pass through the garlic press, but I am too lazy to use knives to mince it. So I just use a garlic press. When you press the ginger, you will see juice coming out but all other fibrous parts stay in. The trick is then to get a chopstick to scoope it out. After all this ordeal, I realized that I have a small food processor. Duh~~
This is what it looks like after I pushed the ginger and garlic through the presser.
麻油 (不一定要,但要香可不能少這味),香油也可以
日本清酒 (不一定要,也可以其他酒代替)
韓式辣椒粉 (不一定要,想吃辣就加,想吃到辣肛門的地步就多加一些)
韓式辣椒醬 (Go Chu Jang) 主角,一定要 這韓式辣椒醬看來很紅很辣,其實一點也不辣。只是用來上色用還有他的黏性能夠附著在食材上面,讓食物好吃。兩罐是一樣的東西只是品牌不同。重點是是 Go Chu Jang 就對了。
Sauce and condiments (from upper left, clockwise):
sesame oil, Korean hot pepper sauce (Go Chu Jang), Japanese Sake, Korean hot pepper sauce (Go Chu Jang) and Korean hot pepper powder
The two Korean hot pepper sauce are the same. The picture is just to show you that they come in different containers and manufacturers. As long as it says "Go Chu Jang" then that is what you want.
Sesame oil is optional -- makes your final product smell and taste wonderful.
Korean pepper powder is optional. If you want your food to be spicy then add it.
Japanese Sake is also optional. You can use water but it adds another layer of flavor (and you don't need sugar because it breaks down to sugar).
The main ingredient here is the Koreran hot pepper sauce. It looks very red and you may feel that it is very spicy. In fact, it is not spicy at all. It's for coloring and flavoring purposes. Also, the viscosity of it allows the sauce to bind onto the meat and vegetable. As a result, for every bite of food, you get flavors from all the ingredients.
料都準備齊全了 我們來做吧 (好色喔)
第一步 是把五花肉平鋪鍋底 小火慢煎至上色 這步很關鍵 手不要賤去移動那個肉 你就放在那裏 先逼油 等到滋滋作響 你看肉的邊邊有翹起來 (又來了,好色) 偷看一下 上色就翻面
兩面都要上色 煎到 "恰恰" 為什麼呢 因為這個樣子會起 "梅納反應" 這個反應就是讓烤肉那麼香那麼好吃的關鍵 之前有一個穿禮服在做黃金泡菜的假掰女在他的是頻也在講
那時我只覺得怎麼他那麼假掰 學著學著才知道真的要讓他有梅納反應才好吃 做人真是活到老學到老阿
Okay, let's start!
First, let the pork belly lie flat in the pot. Use low to medium heat to render the fat out. Leave the pork belly alone. Don't stir. It's too early. You want to brown both sides of the pork belly first.
This is a key step. You first will hear the fat being rendered out of the pork belly. Then watch the edge of the pork belly. When it is lifted and has some color you know you can turn it over. Brown both sides.
This browing will create the so-called "Maillard Reaction", which brings out the flavor within the food. Ever wonder why the meat tastes so good in the backyard barbeque? It's the Maillard reaction!
肉恰恰就是長這樣 我把處理好的肉夾出來了 這樣才不會焦掉
This is what browned meat looks like. I took out the pork belly that has already been browned sot that the dish will not burn.
Look how much fat was rendered out! I don't want to get a stroke. So I discarded the rendered fat and continued to cook. Of course, the fat makes the food taste good but I don't want my belly to become pork belly.
Put in the minced garlic and ginger and fry on low heat until you smell the aroma. Due to the fact that I discarded the fat, the garlic and ginger got stuck a bit but it is okay. Later on when we pour in the Japanese sake or water, it will be fine.
When you smell the aroma coming out of the garlic and ginger, add the meat that was just cooked. Turn the heat to medium. Then add the Korean hot pepper paste. I had a lot of meat here so I scooped up two spoonful of the sauce. The sauce has high viscosity. If we retained the fat that was just discarded, there is a chance that the sauce will dissolve in the fat. Here I chose not to cook with that much fat. So I add Japanese Sake and stir to dissolve the Korean hot pepper sauce. You can use any kind of cooking wine. Of course, to make it more Asian, rice wine or Asian cooking wine is preferred. The alcohol will break down to sugar and so no sugar is needed. You can also choose to use water to dissolve the hot pepper paste. If that is the case, consider adding a bit of sugar. But if it were up to me, I would not add any sugar even if I use water to dissolve the sauce because I believe there is sugar in the hot pepper sauce. Once the sauce dissolves, fold it into the food.
當你看見汁開始在收的時候 (看起來有黏性) 把洋蔥扔進去。拌勻。
When you notice that the water starts to evaporate and the sauce starts to look 'sticky', add onion and fold it in.
If you prefer it to be spicy and hot, add hot pepper powder. Fold it in. The water almost evaporated. You still want some juice in the sauce.
One to two minutes prior to plating, add the scaillion (or green onion). Fold it in. At this point, only cook for one to two minuts more to retain the crispy green color. Otherwise, the green onion will turn yellow.
Right before plating, add a bit of sesame oil. A few dashes will do. This is completely optional. Seasame oil adds another layer of flavor to this dish and also has a wonderful aroma. Turn of the heat. Stir a few times to ensure that the sesame oil is evenly distributed.
Final product. Don't eat it immediately. Wait for a few minutes so that the dish has some time to cool down and settle. It is really delicioius! It will be perfect for rice.